Data - Information in the form of text, numbers, sounds, or images that has been transcribed into bits, and can then be processed by a computer.
Digital Media - Sound, pictures, text and video available in digital format for downloading or streaming across the Internet or other network.
Domain - The address, or URL, of a specific web site. In the US, common domains are , .com (commercial), .net (network related) .edu (education), .gov (government agency), .org(nonprofit and research organizations). Outside the US, domains indicate country: ca (Canada), uk (United Kingdom), au (Australia), jp (Japan), fr (France), etc.
Download - To transfer a file(s) from one computer onto another, or install software onto your computer from the Web.
DSL (Digital Subscriber Lines) - A high speed Internet access telecommunications line that provides an always-on, 24/7 connection to the Internet. DSL offers download rates much faster than a 56K modem.