Bandwidth - The amount of information that can pass through a network connection. For a digital connection it is usually measured in bits per second, represented in Kilobits Kbps), Megabits (Mbps) and Gigabits (Gbps).
Bit - Short for "binary digit", bits are used to describe transmission speed. A bit has either a value of one (high current) or zero (low current) and is the smallest unit of measure of data in a computer.
Bit rate - A measure of bandwidth, expressed as the number of bits transmitted per second.
Bitmap - Any picture contained on a Web page. Bitmaps come from many file formats, including JPG. GIF, and TIF.
BMP (Bitmap or .bmp) - All pictures used in Web pages are bitmaps. A bitmap converts the picture to be made up of many dots or "pixels". If you zoom in or try to scale up a bitmap, it will look blocky.
Browser - A program used to view, or otherwise access documents on the Internet. Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer are well known "Web browsers" .
Buffering -The method for compiling enough data to begin streaming over the Internet. Bandwidth and Internet traffic determine the length of buffering time.
Byte - Short for "binary term". A byte is the basic unit of measurement for computer storage, typically the amount needed to store a typed number or letter.